Monday, May 20, 2013

Saving Money Laundry Edition

Saving Money Laundry Edition
1. Wash full loads, this saves on the amount of water and energy spent on cleaning your clothes.  So put off laundry one more day. I'm sure you won't mind.
2.  Wash in cold water, the heating of the water in your washer is where a lot of money is used.  There are special detergents that you can use in cold water but I believe most brand name detergents can be used in both hot and cold.
3.  Limit your dryer usage.  This can be done by hanging clothes that need to be dried on either hangers, or on a clothes line.  I bought a clothing bar and use it on a daily basis.  My laundry is dry in no time.  Especially here in El Paso where the Summer weather can be put to good use.  I have saved roughly about $5.00 to $6.00 on my utility bill.  This might not seem like a lot but is adds up quickly to around $60.00 for the year.  Not only do you save money on the utilities but your clothes look newer for longer.  The dryer can tend to fade out clothes making them look worn out.  It also can heat your house in the summer, definitely not something you want to do here in El Paso. 
4.  Use half the amount recommended.  I have done this with many different laundry products and it has made no difference in the end result.  I save money by stretching out my products, and my clothes are still clean.
5.  How dirty are your clothes?  Sometimes I get up change to go to store, come right back and change back into my comfy clothes.  I hang up my "store clothing" because I don't consider them dirty yet.  Take a spot check and see how "dirty" the clothing is before you wash.  This can dramatically save you time and money.
6. Remember your laundry.  This goes for both the washer and dryer, don't forget your clothes in either one.  I will admit I have done this numerous times.  Then I have to either start my washer because I left it over a period of time, or start dryer again because clothes are wrinkled.  This of course can become costly if done many times. 
7.  Don't use your dryer as a iron, lol.  I am also so very guilty of this.  When I do use my dryer I try to remove clothes as quickly as I can after it is done drying them in order to avoid wrinkles.
8. I don't use fabric softener or dryer sheets.  I have before and love the smell, but I find that my laundry is fine without the extra items.  I will admit my laundry isn't  as fragrant but it is clean.
9.  Buy in bulk when you can, look at the price per ounce usually located next to price of item.  This is a great indicator that you are getting the most for your money.  I suggest doing the math because sometimes the price per ounce can be off depending on a sale or simply just not labeled correctly.
10.  Powdered detergent in most cases seems to be less expensive than liquid detergent, but once again I recommend looking at your price per ounce.  Sales and different name brands can also play a major role in finding your most money saving products.
11. Purchase a washer or dryer that is more Energy Efficient.  This can save you a lot of money over the lifetime of your usage due to less water and time cleaning your laundry.
12. Finally I personally was a slave to using a certain brand due to my family having reactions to other detergents.  This brand was unfortunately a pricey one.   I found a recipe online for a homemade detergent and I decided to try it.  I was pleased with it and I am using to this day.  One batch has lasted me over three months and looks like I have another three to four months left of it. I find it does a great job, its price point is fabulous and no one has had any reaction to it :)  I found it on pinterest. 

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